Thursday, September 10, 2020

How did we get here?

Well, here we are 2020.  Almost the end of 2020.  Where has the time gone?  I was but a kitten when I was whisked away from my Midwestern home to the country called Tejas...or Texas.  Since then in 2004, I have written a little, but Mother seems to think that my writing will be cathartic for me.  I think it might be more for her, but because I love her, I will do so for her.

I haven't even introduced you to "The Girls."  These girls, Stella and Lucy came to the house with brothers, Zeus and Monti.  When they arrived, only 8 weeks old they were full of fleas.  Father found them outside his library and brought them home.  That brought us to 10 cats.  As much as mother loves cats, 10 was too much of a crazy cat lady situation for her.  She found a lovely purrrson who took the boys, and we all accepted The Girls.  That gave us 8.

But now we are 7.  One night after Mother let us all out into the backyard, this was before our catio, she mistakenly didn't count all of us because she wanted to make sure the little girls also came in.  Meyer was left outside.  Mother didn't notice it until the next morning at breakfast when Meyer wasn't there.  She went outside and found black fur stuck to the fence.  He got out under the fence.  He was gone for 9 weeks.  Mother thought he had gone down the storm drain during the rains that week and got swept out to Galveston Bay.  She watched her hair go down the drain in the shower and would think that hair too would meet Meyer at the bay through the sewer system.  She was beside herself.  She didn't count.  He was gone.  She put up signs, posted on all social media and cried.  And cried. And cried.

Then one day, her friend Eric from Virginia called her office and said "I am glad you got Meyer back".  Meyer was not back, but Eric thought he was.  It turns out that something must have told Eric that because just a short time later, Mother got a message on Facebook from a neighbor down the street who said "I think I found Meyer."  It was so weird.  That event has made Mother love Eric even more, because he must of gotten a message from an Angel.  Cats and Mother believe in Angels.

Anyway, Meyer was in bad shape.  Mother and Father took him to the vet, Mother reached out to her retired veterinarian now genealogist friend Michael to get advice, she took Michael's advice and got Meyer to the emergency vet.  Michael was very sweet to console Mother.  Meyer had lost half of his body weight was in liver failure, his ears were yellow, he couldn't hold up his head, and so much more.  Meyer was given to become an Angel.

To this day, Mother really hasn't forgiven herself.  In fact, she got a tattoo to memorialize him.  His brother Oscar still misses him, and when Mother holds Oscar, she can tell he knows that he misses Meyer too.

There are so many more things going on, COVID (OMG they have been home soooo much) and I am driving Mother crazy with bothering her.  No genealogy conferences to go to which really bothers a social butterfly (Mother, not me), and she has even closed the door to her office when she has done "Zoom" presentations.  The only zooming I am doing is when the I feel the urge to act like a kitten again (I'm 16 now) or when she yells at me to move away from her because I am bugging her.  I just don't understand how knocking off things from the desk, scratching at walls, and at paper piles, and walking all over her computer bug her.  In fact right now, I am indicating it is treat time and almost bedtime.  You know I have always lived on a schedule and things have been messed up with the pandemic.

Mother was right, this was cathartic, so maybe I'll just keep it up. Know all of you reading this who have been waiting for years for a new post, just might see more.

Mother wanted me to remind you to wash your hands, socially distance and wear a mask that matches your outfit...and make sure it has cats on it.

Until next your home planet and VOTE!

